Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How to Motivate Teachers and Inspire Students

What do teachers want most? They want students who are inspired and curious to learn. Teachers who excel in the classroom use innovative methods to engage students. These teachers understand that traditional instruction must change. In this classroom current events and technology is a continuous part of the child's instruction. It is great when there's hands on instruction across the entire school curriculum. Motivated teacher's need freedom to involve student's in demonstrations, projects or experiments that help students to learn their subject better. The overflow of a motivated teacher is an inspired student. It's easy for a student to remember a teacher who regularly showed them something new and raised their curiosity.  Here are seven tips to keeping teacher's motivated:

1.  Flexible classroom instruction options

2. Let teachers create motivational quotes for the class 

3.  Connect with other teachers who are using innovative instruction methods

4. There are Instruction opportunities outside in nature

5.  Teachers are free to encourage students to use homework apps and websites

6.  Freedom to talk to students about  their career and their future

7.  Go on a field trip to a company

The time that a teacher invests in a student know will yield great results later. Your students need time to mature and to appreciate all of the instruction and activities that have led to their success. Students can tell when a teacher is motivated and caring. If you focus on a teacher success your students will yield the benefit.  Dr. Stephen Jones is educator, author, professional development trainer and workshop presenter. Visit his website at You can call 610-942-3843 or email

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Back to School Success tips for Principals

It's important for a principal to have a back to school plan that gets the entire school and neighborhood involved. Remember to begin the school year with the end in mind. Know what you want to accomplish by the end of spring 2015? Then identify partners who will help you to take your school to higher levels of academic performance. Clearly outline your goals and the steps to get there with your staff, teachers, parents and students. You are the leader and people want to hear from you. Here are some other tips.

1. Get parents involved in the school during August start up.

2. Appoint a parent liaison for the year. This liaison will contact parents and get them involved in the school.

3. Get staff and faculty to talk about their vision for the new school year.

4. If you are a high school principal establish a 9th grade transition program where students get two credits.

5. Make career exploration a fall and spring monthly effort.

6. Be flexible get school change insights from your staff, faculty, students and parents.

7. Make more tutoring available for students. (College students, retired teachers, corporate representatives).

8. Plan trips to visit companies at all levels of the K12 experience.

9. Have a stress reduction plan for the school year. (Healthy eating, exercise, yoga, walk, run, occasionally a long weekend.

10. Create student academic success plan and get staff, faculty, students and parents involved.

One of the biggest positive changes in a school occurs when the students know that you care. The principal should be the biggest cheerleader that students see every day. Visiting classes and acknowledging student accomplishments, getting students to have a school pledge, special shirt, art gallery, school song or having students highlights each week. The principal can raise the level of enthusiasm throughout their building. A dedicated principal can be the difference that leads students to a brighter future. Dr. Stephen Jones is a professional development and student presenter, author and
Educator at or call 610-842-3843.